Oil, diesel, and gas spills can make for a slick and dangerous surface for your customers and employees. Grease-Eaters Power Washing offers gas pump washing services to keep your Baltimore gas station looking clean and safe. We use commercial hot water pressure washers and professional gas pump washing detergents to remove the petroleum-based spills to make your concrete surfaces safe for customers.
We not only keep your station free from oil and petroleum build-up and slip-free, but we also clean canopies to remove algae, mildew, and diesel exhaust. Graffiti removal, dumpster pad cleaning, and storefront cleanings are additional pressure washing services we can provide to keep your gas station or Baltimore business looking new and fresh again.
Customers and safety are our #1 priority! Our gas pump washing services can take place during the late evening hours to avoid the rush of customers going or coming from work. Not only are clean service stations important to customers, but clean facilities are also paramount to public safety!
The Benefits Of Gas Pump Washing For Your Business
Gas station parking lots are one of the most used areas in the realm of commercial properties. Our gas pump washing services will remove the automotive fluids, chewing gum, and other debris that commonly finds themselves on high traffic concrete surfaces.
Some of the surfaces that are routinely pressure washed at gas stations include parking areas, canopies, sidewalks, dumpster areas, and sometimes the buildings themselves. The overall feel of a fuel station that has routine cleanings is far more inviting than the alternative. Customers take notice of clean concrete parking lots and sidewalks as they enter the facility, so why not make sure your business is as clean as possible?
Don't settle for less when it comes to gas station cleaning or pressure washing in Baltimore. For a gas pump washing service that is nothing short of professional, call on the Baltimore experts at Grease-Eaters Power Washing today!