A well-built deck can last for decades if you take good care of it by keeping it clean. Our Baltimore pressure washing team can perform deck cleaning services that make it easy for you to keep your Baltimore deck in great shape. Whether it's made of wood, composite, or vinyl, our pressure washing team at Grease-Eaters Power Washing can make it look great again and keep it that way. We have the time-tested skills to remove algae, lichen, moss, and years of grime from your deck, so it's never too late to get started on your deck cleaning maintenance!
Keep Your Deck Looking Great With Deck Washing
Because decks are outdoors, they face a constant barrage of harsh natural elements that can wear them down and make them look dull. Wooden decks are also vulnerable to rot, splintering, and cracking if they aren't maintained as needed. To keep weathering in check and to prevent damage that warrants a full deck replacement, we suggest prioritizing deck cleaning as part of your home maintenance routine. Deck cleaning effectively kills off mold and mildew so that they can't cause wood rot or impact your family's health. It also clears away any built-up weather debris, dirt, and grime that's leftover after a storm or harsh season.
Our deck cleaning services will protect your deck from the elements and have it looking as good as the day it was installed! Contact Grease-Eaters Power Washing today to get a free estimate and be sure to ask about some of our other exterior cleaning services, like patio washing, to extend the restoration efforts to all areas of your home!
Ask About Our Fence Washing Services
We use only safe soft washing methods during fence washing that won't damage the surface, no matter what your fence is made of. The good news is that the soft wash cleaning solution we use is biodegradable and eco-friendly while also lifting and removing years of stains. Combined with low-pressure cleaning, our soft washing solutions will remove the dirt and grime from your fence and prevent it from growing back for some time. You'll enjoy longer stretches of time between fence and deck cleaning services and a longer-lasting structure on your Baltimore property.